Friday, May 17, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week I have two posts from Jun 2010. The first is Flynn with his base of tail poof.

I am so embarassed! I don't know how mum could do this to me. When I am really happy, I purr very loudly. I also poof the base of my tail, not all of it as if I was scared, just the bottom 2 or 3 inches to show how happy I am. Now if mum wanted you to know that, you would think she would just tell you wouldn't you, but no, she had to take a photo to let all the world see not just my tail poof, but my spot #13 as well.
You would think things couldn't get any worse wouldn't you, but oh yes they can...........

She enlarged it!!! Oh the shame. Never mind the tail poof, how can a mancat like me hold my head high again knowing the world has seen my spot #13 and ::whispers:: I hadn't had chance to clean it.
The second post is from Eric and is called The Lookout.
It has been quite hot here lately so mum has been taking us for walks in the evenings when it is cooler.

I stand here on my vantage point and look across the fields to make sure there is no danger in the coming darkness.

I make sure I look in all directions.

Okay, that is enough of that. Lets go and get some supper.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I used Starry Art at 40% for Eric.

For Flynn I used Illusion at 50%, then Sadness at 30%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 18.05.24
preview110pieceCaturday Art Flynn 18.05.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop. Please visit her blog for the linkslist.


  1. That tail poof is certainly special. It's already warm here and we can only let Tripod SissyCat on the porch in the evenings.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  2. Great flashback. I love the one of Flynn's adorable little butt. Beautiful art. Thanks for the puzzles. XO

  3. Those were all nice ones and yes, poor Flynn. Wonderfu art too!

  4. Dearest Jackie,
    How very special Flynn's tail base—poof!
    And Eric on the lookout for nearing dangers from around THEIR home!
    Great brothers and no doubt wonderful companions that received and gave lots of love—and those fond memories still are heart warming!
    Mariette + Kitties

  5. We rarely get the poofy tail here unless sometime terrifying approaches!

  6. Ha! That was priceless. I never knew that about Flynn. I've certainly not seen it in other cats. And Eric at twilight; that's the time to make sure everything is secure.

  7. HeHe! Flynn looks a 'little' behind...
    But Eric's all out in front...Bless!xx

  8. Handsome Flynn, walking away from the camera and he still looks good. Silly boy being worried about a rear-end shot. And Eric, what fun to be out there when it's just starting to get dark. They both had great times outside that is pretty obvious.

  9. Flynn sure had a happy tail and good Spot #13! He should not have been embarrassed about it. We all show that.

    Binq here: my #13 is all that shows on me sometimes. But TBT says it is like a diamond in the dark, so "OK"...

  10. flynn….noe knead ta feelz shame dood…if ewe wooda
    ben ina parade, everee one …bee hind ewe…wooda
    ben de same 😺 and eric..grate look out job buddy,
    ewe waz lookin feerce N hansum at de same time 🐟😺‼️💙

  11. There cannot be any embarrassment in Heaven, Angel Flynn! And let's face it, cats nether regions are always up in the faces of their humans!

  12. Nice photos from END (MOL) to beginning. Love the sky too.
    Hugs cecilia

  13. Mancats on patrol! Mom's catwork is really nice. Hope Mom and Dad are both well. Until next time...Jean

  14. Just hold your beautiful tail high and don't worry what others think:)
    We use the top of our deck stairs for our lookout.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. Dude, there's nothing wrong with a bit of tail poof, just ask Fudge! MOL

  16. Oh dear, that was unfortunate for Angel Flynn, wasn't it? Mums (and dads) do those things, sometimes. Lovely photos of Angel Eric at twilight!

  17. Not to worry, Flynn. The tail poof cancels all the rest out as it's so special!

    The Chans

  18. Why, We were so impressed by Flynn's tail poof, We neffur even noticed the spot!
    We wish We could have gone for a walk at twilight with Eric!

  19. Well Mom and I think that tail poof is perfectly placed.....I think it sends a message loud and clear! Eric looks like he enjoys a bit of twilight "out" time.

    Hugs, Teddy

  20. Nice tail, trying not to look at the you know what. Lovely art as always!

  21. I've never seen a kitty tail poof like yours was, Flynn!! Even us pups show our 'spot'...

    Good patrolling, Eric!

  22. I have never ever seen an poof as spectacular as that one, Flynn. It deserved showcasing BUT your mom should have asked first before taking a picture before you have had a chance to arrange your furs, as it were.

  23. Three Chatty CatsMay 21, 2024 at 2:51 PM

    Olive does a little tail poof like that too. Flynn's floof was perfect!


  24. that tail is spectacular! Amarula and I are also taking our walks later at night as it is getting very hot here now!


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