Friday, July 5, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 The first is a one photo post from April 2010 and was an Easy Sunday in the plant pots.

We have decided we no longer want to sleep in our nice comfy plant pots that mum filled with nice sweet hay, and that dad made a frame for so they can't tip over. No, we would rather sleep on the lily shoots and flatten them sideways. Really we are helping mum by getting them to grow faster. We did the same last year and when they got bigger and too uncomfortable to lie on, we went back into our own plant pots.

The second flashback was from May 2010 and was a Mancat Monday in the trailer.

Eric: Mancats like to check out the farm trailer, especially when they hear noises coming from it.

Flynn: Hmphh! Now you've found me hiding in it, I'm not stopping here.

Eric: Wait for meeee!

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I used Devilish at 30%, then Ceremony at 35%.

For Eric I used Beauty at 50%, then Illusion at 25%

preview108pieceCaturday Art 1 6.07.24
preview110pieceCaturday Art 2 6.07.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. So much fun! I always loved seeing those precious potted kitties!

  2. They certainly did love helping everywhere they could. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  3. Dearest Jackie,
    Hoping you are doing okay—you are in my prayers and thoughts.
    LOVE those plant pots where they love to sleep! Of course the special frame for not toppling one, no longer were appreciated but 'helping' those lilies to spread out! Like making them 'hatch' by kitty–warmth.
    Those Mancat images with the trailer are hilarious. And then calling for help...
    Big all around hugs,
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. We love to see you in the pots, sweet Angels. So good to keep the pots warm...MOL...Love both the artworks, that's a great combination! We also hope that effurrything is fine with you, Jackie. Thinking a lot of you. Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers for a healthy week ahead🙏🐾😽💞

  5. HeHe! The plant pot photos are still
    my favourites...! :).

  6. I always enjoy seeing Eric and Flynn in the plant pots!

    I, too, hold you dear in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you don't have too many side effects. Losing hair is strange and weird, but when I lost mine, it sped things up in the morning, cause I had no bad hair days to worry about...🥰

  7. No better fertilizer ever! Be well, rest easy dear lady, you are in our thoughts each day with lots of love coming your way ~ JUNE and Ann

  8. Well you certainly have to give those boys extra points for having wanted to help you get your plants growing. I am sure their heat help germinate seeds and Bulbs all the time. What fun memories of these boys.

  9. You boys were excellent gardeners and general helpers! I love seeing you in the pots!

  10. These pix of your Angel Boys in pots are a hoot, and the artwork is awesome, too. Here's hoping the side effects stay away, Jackie.

  11. oh we would love to have such kittie plants... we are adventurers and discoverers too... maybe that is a boys thing?

  12. Some of my all time favorite photos of your Angels have been when they enjoyed their plant cute and they just fit PURRfectly! We're sending love and hugs to you every single day - hope you can relax between your treatments and enjoy the sun or the garden.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy to

  13. Looking epically epic dudes, as always! Gawgus arty effects too!

  14. Angels Eric and Flynn too funny flashing back you were the ultimate Farmers...never missing a great photo op and the art in the pots was quite artsy
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. Three Chatty CatsJuly 5, 2024 at 2:54 PM

    Aww that last wait for me photo is too cute! Can't be left behind!

  16. doodz! nothing better N catz in potz…N next bezt iz catz in farm trailerz. eric, ewe for sure waz large N in charge on yur lily pot buddy….eye hope two bee big like
    ewe one day …N flynn, hope dad taked ewe fora wee spin round de feeld 🐟🐟💙💚😺. mackerull

  17. LURV seeing cats growing in pots!

  18. da tabbies o trout towneJuly 5, 2024 at 5:29 PM

    doodz….eye am bout ta uze that “ fraze “ mum noez it, that startz with M ….. coz me commintz gone.🤬hizzzzzzzzzzzzz😼

  19. We always love the boys in their pots.

  20. We are sure Mom and Dad really appreciated all your gardening help:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  21. The plant pots are like cat-beds - of course the boys would be sleeping where they shouldn't.

  22. Cute flashback. Very pretty art. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  23. Now that's what I call a special gardening technique flashback. Love those 'pots.'

  24. hahaha! Oh, you boys are too much. Always the helpers. Mom's catwork is really nice. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Sending my thoughts to you both. Until next time...Jean

  25. What sweet boys, the type we hold forever in our hearts. Be well, my dear.

  26. Such great photos. I love the ones in the pots. Very cute.

  27. Eric and Flynn were always so helpful! We love how they helped incubate Mom Jackie's plants. :)

    Jackie and Ivor, we hope you are both doing well. Sending love and purrs of health and happiness.

  28. Tee hee! Eric looks as if he has snakes growing out of his paws (mol).
    Lily shoots? Wait, we heard lilies are bad for kitties! Still, it made for such a great photo - and the Art is supurrb!

  29. Some of my fav photos of these two is when they sit in those plant pots!!!

  30. Hahaha. Figures. You make frames for the pots to make things better for them ... and the boys choose other pots! Perhaps you could give us tips on how to spout such handsome mancats!

  31. So sorry about what you're going through health wise, hope you recover swiftly. So nice that your friends sent you cards! Your cats are adorable and look like they love life and are having so much fun! hope you have an amazing summer beauty!

    xoxo, Midori


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