Friday, August 2, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week I have two short posts from June 2010, and they are both Easy Like Sunday.


I have had a busy week hunting mousies, so today this is where you will find me.


After I have finished sniffing the flowers.......

I may even pose for you.............

and then I will go to sleep.

Of course my brother will join me in our big plant pots.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Flynn I started with Ceremony at 34%, then added Flowers at 20%.

For Eric I used Psychedelic at 50%, then Ceremony at 30%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 3.08.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 3.08.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. Oh my goodness, loved those famous pot cats! The art is pretty too!

  2. Dearest Jackie & Ivor,
    What a boys Eric and Flynn were.
    After hunting mousies, Flynn knew how to recover by stretching his tired body out.
    And Eric sniffing the flowers and than pretending to be a bulb that belongs inside a flower pot!
    Precious how his brother joined him there.
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. hunting mice is a hard job, you need a nap... or two... or a howliday? before you feel micerable?

  4. Love the Easy photos, they were champion nappers, both of them.

    Thanks for alerting me to the trouble with the code, I've fixed it and it's there now.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  5. Said it many times before...
    Love the photos of the boys in the
    flower most favourites...!xx

  6. Twin pots for twin boys. Can't get much more perfect than that. Have a good weekend

  7. Pots of orange fur and fluff. How does your garden grow? Purr-fectly!

  8. As you know, this is one of my all-time favorite photos of the precious boys. It still makes my heart happy seeing them with those looks of love in their beautiful eyes.....................BIG HUGS, Pam

  9. You boys sure knew how to do easy Sundays! 😻

  10. Flynn you were surely a long handsome Ginger guy
    Eric you are one adorable Cinnamon roll
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. eric…yur pot fotoz de best buddy…N ya even look feerce dood …flynn, eye hope ewe catched 37,192 mize N shared a few….a good rezt waz for sure warranted..keep watchin over mum, dad two 💙💙💚💚😺🐟

  12. Brothers in the potted plants are some of my favorite photos! Catwork is really nice. Hope Mom & Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  13. Cute flashback. Pretty art- thank you for the puzzles. XO

  14. You both work very hard hunting and sniffing - that surely deserves some good naps.

    Have a good weekend - love your artwork.

    Woo - Misty and Timber

  15. Kitties Blue: Super cute snoozy photos of the boys. Thanks for the puzzles. Mom always enjoys them. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  16. Busy days, chasing mice, smelling flowers; no wonder they needed a rest. And Eric must have been tired indeed, if he consented to pose.

  17. Angels Eric and Flynn sure did a great job in these special memories. They both did so much on the farm -- no wonder they liked to wind down on Sundays. XO

  18. Oh, those Angel Boys! What's more fun than a nice lounging s-t-r-e-t-c-h and a cat-in-a-pot? The artwork is fabulous, too.

  19. You boys look so adorable in the flower pots!

  20. BOYS!
    I have always and ever loved your pots with you in them! I will wager your mom and dad never used them for whatever reason they bought them since you boys took them over! For my mom..... she would have left those pots forever, hoping to see you Angels visit them sometimes.

  21. Oh, We love these pictures. You two look so cute in those flowerpots. You must have been so tired after all your hard work!

  22. Ahhh... The big plant pot beds. I remember them so well and always enjoyed seeing them there.

  23. Thanks for sharing these fantastic and memorable photos. Hugs, my dear.

  24. Hooray, a potted kitty flashback!! Classic Eric and Flynn!!

  25. It's lovely to see both of the boys in their pots, and then Flynn sleeping off all that effort. Your art is much more gentle this time. While enhanced, it also seems quite natural.
    I hope you are continuing to improve in your journey back to full health.

  26. We always love to see you in the pots, sweet Angels😸😺Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day, Jackie. We so hope you're doing fine🙏🐾😽💞


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