Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 First a very quick update and good news at last. I had a consultation with my oncologist and he had the results of my 9 week CT scan. The original cancer lesions in my bowel have shrunk by almost 1mm, and the two new ones on my liver have also shrunk slightly. There is a new one on my liver that didn't show up on the previous scan but it is very small and darkened which means it also is responding to the chemotherapy. Ivor and I thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts.

My latest cards are at the bottom of the post. Thank you to everyone.

This week I have a video from July 2010 of Eric playing in the earth which was originally a Mancat Monday.

There is nothing I like better than to play in the earth.

Then a short post from both which was a Tummy Tuesday from August 2010.

Flynn has accepted defeat and agrees that I have the best tummy so I should do Tummy Tuesday from now on.

NO I HAVEN'T!!! I just have a smaller tummy than you Eric.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I used Landscape at 60%, then Scribble at 20%.

For Flynn it was Flow at 50%, then Frost at 25%

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 14.09.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 14.09.24
Terry, Celesta and The Brian's Home Gang.

Ellen  15 and Meowing                   Cecilia and Bryan

              Kim                             Lynn and Precious

I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. That was a fun post and I enjoyed the video too. HOORAY for some good news and thanks for sharing it, we'll do a happy dance!

  2. I'm so glad to hear the good news! You are always in my heart and prayers.

    That's two wonderful tummies and lots of clean fun in the dirt pile. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  3. Jackie...I celebrate with you at the good news!!
    I hope your weekend is good and you and Ivor can enjoy some nice weather.
    Eric OMCs had I known you were such a good digger I would have hired to come across the pond to dig holes for my daffodil bulbs.
    Flynn that is one fine white fluffy Ginger tummy.
    thank you Jackie for sharing your cards filled with good wishes.
    Hugs to you and Ivor
    Cecilia and Bryan

  4. Boy, Eric sure had fun on that dirt-pile. It's great to see cats enjoying themselves.

  5. Dearest Jackie and Ivor,
    Sure glad to read some positive news as a result from your CT scan! With lots of prayers, you will get there.
    Oh my, Eric was a hilarious dirt–devil! The way he jumped up and started anew. One can tell it was HIS yard.
    Flynn was an adorable runner up with his tummy comparison to Eric's.
    Mariette + Kitties

  6. wow we are deep impressed about the earth worker skills... and we love the last photo!!!

  7. We think it's a tie on the best tummy contest! The very BEST news is that you are having some positive progress with your treatment - that makes our hearts very VERY happy. You are ALWAYS in our prayers.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  8. It looks to me like your equals trying to find if he can dig out the badger that lives down in that dirt pile. He should be watching out in case that Badger actually would have stuck his nose up at the time. Glad to hear that you are getting some good news for all the effort you are going through to beat this cancer. Lynn and Precious XX

  9. Happy to hear of the good news! Lets keep that up!

  10. Eric put a smile on my face this morning! And you both had smoochable tummies! 😻😻

    Jackie, I'm SO glad to read some good news. My continued prayers to you both. 🙏❤️

  11. Continued good wishes and POTP to you!
    Your Angel Boys are so delightful; I love to see your posts, and of course your art and puzzles.
    Makes me feel like they are still here.

  12. That's great news to share! That last photo of Flynn sitting like that is too cute.

  13. Looking epic dudes, the video was absolutely pawesome, Basil used to do the exact same thing! MOL

  14. What a welcoming post! So happy that you are doing better. I'm sending a virtual card here of best wishes to you and Ivor! Fun video and pics. Those boys were sure a happy pair. Catwork is very nice. On my front, will be 12 years on the 18th that I had to say goodbye to my sweet Lucy. She was a gray tabby I brought home from a local shelter. I do believe she was waiting for me - shelter said she had been there the longest. I know I was led to her. And grateful that I was!
    Until next time...Jean

  15. We always love tummy shots and the boys really did nice ones.

    We'll continue purring and praying for you.

  16. doodz…pawsum tummy fotoz and pawsum job oh watchin over mum…dam strait itz time her getted good nooze….eric, ewe iz my heer roe and thiz moovee getted pawz up at de moovee place…act shun, suzpenze and de best pounce flip moovez ther buddy‼️‼️‼️😺way kewl 💙💚🐟😺

  17. Maybe I should try rolling in a dirt pile! ~Murphy
    That's great news about your latest scan. Continued purrs and prayers for you. ♥

  18. Hurrah for your good news ! We will continue our purrayers too. We loved seeing Eric in action !

  19. I am so glad you finally got some good news. You are in my daily prayers. Cute video and flashback. I love the art too. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  20. How we would love to play in that earth with Eric - but Mom wouldn't be too happy with our muddy paws.

    That is wonderful news. We are so happy for you and we hope the good news continues. Hugs and prayers.

    Woos - Misty and Timber, and Mom too

  21. Adorable pics. Glad to hear you had some good news. I will continue sending prayers and good thoughts to you.

  22. We are always keeping you in Our Prayers, Ms. Jackie and are so happy there is some Good News.
    Eric and Flynn, you both have Terrific Tummies and We cannot pawssibly choose between you.

  23. Cute video and tummies!

    Glad to hear that you have some good news.

    Purrs xx

  24. That is such wonderful news, Jackie! We will keep right on sending love and purring and praying for your continued battle.

    We loved the video and those tummy pics. :)

  25. That Flynn tummy shot is one of my all time favorites! I am so glad to hear the good news about your health too! You know that you are always in my prayers. Keep being awesome Jackie! Love Barb

  26. Flynn...that is a gorgeous floofy tummy! Eric you are the mancat about the homestead and showing your manliness!

  27. Loved that video! Frodo loves digging! So glad to hear that you are responding to chemo--we all send you lots of love!

  28. Some good news is always good to hear. Many prayers for you. I love the video of Eric. Those two were real characters but I suppose all kitties are. Thank you for stopping by. Our lives have been turned upside down with my identity theft so while life goes on I have nothing from the DA's office to help me. All calls are sent to someone else and so on so I had to freeze all my accounts. It is a sad world. But life is moving on. Take care and I hope you get more good news.

  29. Hooray for answered prayers with your encouraging news about those tumors.

    That was a fun video...a Digger Kitty!!
    And those bellies, snorgled many times, of that I am sure!

  30. We're glad you got some positive news, Jackie. Let's hope you continue to make progress. We just love that video of Eric playing in the dirt. Dad always loves watching when cats play, calm down a bit, then go crazy again like violent mood swings. Take care.

  31. We are so glad to hear the good news, Jackie! Next week, Ellie has her first scan since starting chemo. I'm hoping against hope the news will be good (even no growth would count).


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