Friday, September 4, 2020

Friday Flashback and caturday Art.

This week I have a collection of outdoor one and two photo posts from July to October 2007.
July 2007 - Easy on Sunday.

Flynn:  I like Sundays. Nuffin better than just relaxing after a hard week's hunting.

Eric:  While Flynn wuz lying around doing nuffin, I helped mum pick the runner beans for Sunday's roast. I just had a bit of a play wiv this one first, then a little chew. Mum sed she didn't need it then, so I could keep it.

August 2007 - Wordless Wednesday.

September 2007 - Mancat Monday.

Today we are having dubble Mancat Monday. We have heard that the vishus deer have been spotted around here again, so we are being big brave mancats and keeping a lookout.

September 2007 - Wordless Wednesday.

October 2007 - Another Mancat Monday.

Flynn:  A Mancat finds the best lookout purrzishuns for keeping a lookout for evil introoders.

Eric:  Anuvver job that a Mancat has to do is check where the plant has gone that was in the tub, and make sure there are no evil introoders lurking in the bottom.

The random photo this week was chosen by Timmy Tomcat who asked for the 8th September. He didn't specify a year so this one is from 2008.

Having a rest after a walk around the fields.

I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I used Psychedelic at 60%, then Scribble at 20%
preview108pieceCaturday Art 5.09.20
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the Feline Friday blog hop.


  1. Such hard working watchcats, they sure were special!

  2. I love these flashback stories!
    Mum was just getting into blogging in 2007.
    Friday nights she likes to do the puzzles :)
    I like to watch ;)

  3. Mercy but you stayed busy, didn't you!

  4. do kitties grow in a tub? we will order some seeds ;O)

  5. The memories of their adventures never fail to make me smile heheh!

    Have an adventuroustastic safe weekend 😷😷😷

  6. Those two absolutely were the CLOSEST of brothers and friends. Always adventuring together!

    Hugs, Pam

  7. I always jealous you guys' life style =^x^=
    and I couldn't believe even now you guys are angels. You both..STILL teasing me... MOL
    Love you boys

  8. It seems so funny to see cats outside as no one around here has an outdoor cat. Bert does run out the door sometimes but Mom sends us to grab him so she can bring him back inside. It's too dangerous for them outside with coyotes, fox, and cars.

  9. Always love the photos of the boys,
    with those big flower pots..usually
    asleep in them, love those! :o).

  10. Aww, what fun you two angels had!
    We tried to get Celestial Angel and Chuck to climb a ladder, but they never figured it out. Bet Manny would be up there like a shot, which is why we don't leave a ladder around...hehehe!
    Thanks for the puzzle; will play soon!

  11. doodz !!! big a fy de thurd fotoz ...werd lezz look on yur face bee price lezz dood !!!! we iz CRACKIN UP !!!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  12. You never can be too careful with those empty tubs! Best to always check for those intruders.

  13. I always love your flashbacks....2007 all new to me.
    The one of Flynn on the ladder is spectacular
    Happy Friday
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. Great seeing the boys having such a good time. Flynn keeps lookout while Eric investigates, go fellas! Great Easys and Mancat Mondays too. A good year fur-sure. Thanks so much for that photo. We wanted something special for Einsteins Birthday on the 8th.

  15. Those sweet faces, I just love those boys.

  16. Sunday was always our favorite day because the peeps were less busy and had more time for us, but these days it seems like every day is Sunday:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. I just love the escapades of these guys! Blessings, Deborah :)

  18. Terrific post! I just love seeing Eric and Flynn on their adventures! They are the bestest EVER!
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

  19. Cute flashback. Those boys did everything together. Thank you for the kind words you left on my blog for the loss of Polar Bear. Thank you for the puzzle too. XO

  20. We love the picture of Eric on the ladder but they were all great. We sure do miss your boys.

  21. What a lovely selection of photos Friday! What great times they had out on the farm!

  22. Oh we love going on these memory journeys with you! great caturday art!

  23. What a beautiful environment you two had. Granny biggified every picture to see everything real close, and you two too, sweet Angels. We had a MOL on your WW picture😸Pawkisses for a wonderful weekend🐾😽💞

  24. I love that first pic of Flynn smiling from ear to ear. Today's post was thoroughly enjoyable. I'm gonna watch TW do the puzzle.

  25. What a joy to see so many different photos of Eric and Flynn today. What amazing lives they had there with you. And they live on, forever, in our hearts.

  26. Such lovely photos of the boys - and we LOVE the artified one!
    Such cute butts they had (mol).

  27. I bet these two had a great time on roaming, exploring, and protecting the home front from dangerous intruders. That's because at heart they were mountain lions. :)

  28. What wonderful countryside the boys had to play in, er, patrol. Beautiful surroundings always bring out the best in cats, I think - and vice versa.

  29. We think it was just an eensy bit rude that the People did not want the Bean after Eric was done improving it! Ha ha meow!

  30. Love the colors in your artwork!

  31. Some days with nothing to do, it is nice to just relax and take naps. Cute photo checking out the pot.

  32. It's so nice to see photos from them again. They look so happy and cheerful !

  33. Fun photos and artwork. Thanks for the puzzles.

    Thank you for your kind words about Allie. We miss her so much.

    The Florida Furkids

  34. EEKKK!! Miss Jackie wee thott wee comminted here. Appeerss not so...
    Eric an Flynn were such grate guard catss an had alot of fun even while guidin!
    An THE flower pot foto iss deelitefull!!
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew too

  35. The work of a farm feline is not an easy one, I can see now why yu guys take the naps that you do. Hopefully the odd minutes rest you get helps you get through the day ;)
    The artwork this week is particularly charming and the colour and shades just right!
    Mrs H and I cant wait to get going on all your jigsaws that we have to catch up on – I know they will be super fun and far moe difficult that we ever think.


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